Our Name is Our Mission

Employee Centric - Client Centric

The name ec3 comes from our experience working in several different staffing agencies over the last 20+ years, experiencing different business models and cultures, both good and bad. We have witnessed several business owners in our industry adopt standard business practices that were always good for their own company and self-interests but may not have also been in their employees' best interests or clients. This resulted in bad cultures internally and strained relationships with clients over time. Based on our mission not to imitate those other companies but to deliver exceptional experiences to our employees and clients instead, our name ec3 comes from our decision-making philosophy that this company stands for: being employee-centric, client-centric. Daily decisions made at ec3 keep our commitments to both our employees and clients top of mind. By meeting or exceeding the expectations of our employees and clients, we all win together. We strive to make ec3 the best place in the industry for people to work for and the most trusted partner for our clients to count on in the Federal Services space.